Friday 15 February 2013

This extension to the Fungi Blog lists known fungi species found within Calderdale plus some moulds and rusts.  (TBC = to be confirmed)

The records dated 01/08/2000 are from the records of "The Friends of Cromwell Bottom." These are historical records prior to that date and without precise details cannot be substantiated without further information and are listed with that in mind.

There are no doubt many records that could be added, if any reader has any personal Calderdale records they can share with us we would be very grateful. 

In the meantime we would like to thank the Recorders of the Halifax Scientific Society, The Cromwell Bottom Wildlife Group and Calderdale Birdwatchers.
Pithya vulgaris  Ogden Water, Calderdale
Photo: Alison


Michael Sykes
Steve Blacksmith
Alison Galbraith

Individual thanks must go to:

Linda Kingsnorth
Charlie Streets
Oliver Galbraith
Bruce Hoyle
Andy Cockroft
Peachy Steve

and the many recorders who have long since passed this way.

With apologies for any omission